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  • Henrik Wankum

Enhancing the Resource Room and Sensory Training Activities

At Amar Jyoti School, we recognize the importance of early identification and intervention for children with disabilities. Since 2023, we have strengthened our services by enhancing the resource room and introducing various teaching and learning materials for developmental and educational assessment.

The resource room now includes sensory training materials, tactile equipment, and audio-visual aids, providing our students with a more interactive and engaging learning environment. These materials are essential for the early intervention and inclusion of children with disabilities, helping them develop essential skills for everyday life.

The inauguration of the resource room was a significant event, with Shri. Rajesh Aggarwal, Secretary, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, gracing the occasion. He showed keen interest in the functioning and importance of the resource room and early intervention services at our center. Dr. Subodh Kumar, Deputy Director (Academics), Appellate Authority, Rehabilitation Council of India, along with Mr. Mukesh Gupta and Mrs. Kusum Gupta, Founders of Vision Institute, Faridabad, and many other eminent personalities, were also present.

We are committed to providing our students with the best possible support and resources to ensure their holistic development and successful inclusion into mainstream society.

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